Saturday, April 12, 2008


well, my wonderful Caps played last night. it was a nice comeback. sucked i couldn't go but i was feeling sick anyways and wouldn't have thoroughly enjoyed it. but it was a game. heres some pictures

and then theres my old love daniel briere. i was sad he left, but of course, i've totally gotten over it and if i hadn't, i wouldve really needed a reality check. hockey is great, but its not the most important thing ever. and sometimes im excited when he scores even though i shouldnt. i already have to be excited for the sabres and the caps and THEN briere. i shouldnt be wasting my excitement on my old buddy.

on his first playoff experience…

“Oh, yeah it was different. I was so nervous. I can’t even breathe right now, actually. Was good experience for us though, a big win. We still have lots of game and we have to forget this game.”

sounds beautiful. i can't wait for sunday because im actually going to that one. i have to go take a shower because we practiced out on a wet ass field and my legs are covered in shit. and my lip is slightly swollen because someone threw a ball at my face and my lip started bleeding. intense, eh? im really not canadian....

oh, one last thing. people post some pretty interesting pictures on forums:
alex ovechkin:
i have no idea what he's doing here but hes quite wet. nice bathingsuit. haha

current song:
Clouds- The Morning Light