Saturday, July 26, 2008

i had to see it again

i saw batman again. ha i just had to. and it was free so no big deal. but that didnt help my obsession.

m m m

current song:
You'll Find a Way (remix)- Santogold

Friday, July 25, 2008

mmmm, batman

wow, so its been forever and ever and ever. dunno, been kinda busy. i've heard nothing about hockey in the past month and it doesn't bother me. but my new obsession happens to be christian bale and dutch boys who play field hockey... oh yes.
well the first one is because of batman. it was awesome. and i love him so much as bruce wayne. ahhhhh. and then the 2nd thing happens to be because of a camp i went to and there happened to be many many many dutch boys there. well maybe i should consider them dutch men. oh well.
i dunno why i find him so attractive. and then hes batman also!

current song:
You'll Find a Way- Santogold